Sunday, November 05, 2006

Here we are!

Hey there!

If you're a friend of ours on MySpace you're probably wondering why we are posting our blogs here now... well, the blogging capabilities on MySpace are pretty limited and doesn't lend itself easily to podcasting (which we are going to ramp up dramatically through the recording of our second album currently underway!). I want to spend my time making and performing great music with my pals in CTM, not figuring out 4 different html and xml applications to be able to communicate with you all! :-) I mean I love to communicate -- that's what lead singers do! -- but God, it was taking hours of my life sitting at my laptop like some sorry ass computer technician that was hired because no one was left in the building, versus actually knowing what they are doing!

The other reason we went to for our posts is because we have a lot of fans that are not on MySpace and the only way they can comment on posts over there is by becoming a member. Crash the Machine is all about thinking for yourself, so to make our fans be a member of something they don't want to be part of just doesn't feel right.

So here we are - welcome! More posts are coming soon so stick around and join the Crash the Machine journey with us!



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